Monday, June 1, 2009

On This Day in 1851

158 Years Ago Today
June 1, 1851 - January 21, 1935

My 3rd cousin, 3x removed, Charles Henry Peery, Sr. was one of six children born to John Drew and Mary Clay (Gregory) Peery in Tazewell County, VA.

  1. David Preston Peery
  2. Charles Henry Peery, Sr. (m. Ellen Phoebe Beavers)
  3. George Peery
  4. Ellen Martelia Peery
  5. Louisa Alice Peery
  6. Mary Elizabeth "Molly" Peery
    Charles and Ellen had seven children.
  7. John David Peery
  8. Joseph Grattan Peery
  9. Lena Devore Peery
  10. Charles Henry Peery, Jr.
  11. Maggie C. Peery
  12. Kate Louisa Peery
  13. Letitia Ward Peery

The couple is buried in Maplewood Cemetery, Tazewell, VA.


  1. What a great blog you have put together! We are related, John Keatts Gregory is also my 3rd great grandfather. Our trees part ways from there however, your line is from Daniel Parham and my line is from his brother John Henry; so we are cousins.

    John Henry married and migrated to Madison County, TN, where he had 5 children that we know of, one being my great grandfather Lewis R Gregory. I am fascinated with my ancestors and as of today, my brother and I have amassed a tree of 7330 people, with a large assortment of records and photos documenting our ancestors. I would love to hear from you.

    Lynda Friesen
    Austin, TX

  2. Lynda,
    Before too long, I'll gather all that I have on the Gregory line and send your way. I may have a couple of pictures and a bit more.

    I'm glad you like the blog; there is just not enough time these days to work on it.
