April 9, 1781 - July 20, 1863
My 4th great granduncle, William Houston Letcher was one of nine children born to John and Mary Davidson (Houston) Letcher.
- Hannah Letcher (my 4th great grandmother)
- James Letcher
- Stephen Giles Letcher
- William Houston Letcher (1st cousin to Gen. Sam Houston)
- Captain John Letcher, Jr.
- Isaac Anderson Letcher
- Mary Polly Letcher
- Sarah Sallie Letcher
- Ann Letcher
William married Elizabeth Davidson on April 17, 1781 in Rockbridge County, VA. They had four children.
- Governor John Letcher
- Mary B. Letcher
- William M. Letcher
- Samuel Houston Letcher
William was 1st cousin to General Sam Houston.
According to http://www.raabcollection.com/manuscript/Sam-Houston-Autograph-1234.aspx Sam Houston Autograph Letter Signed, 3 pages, Washington, April 8, 1824, to his cousin William Houston Letcher, assessing the prospects for the election, and accurately predicting that either Jackson or John Quincy Adams would emerge victorious.

...You are excusable for not answering my letter sooner but I certainly did expect an answer before this time. I am very happy to hear of the welfare of cousin Betsy and the little ones, and have a request that you will give my love to her, with all my relations. You wish to learn who will be the next President. On this subject, we can only speak from conjecture. My own opinion is that General Jackson will be the man!?If not him, Mr. Adams. Mr. Crawford is surely down! You say my horse is doing well. I wish you would see Mr. West and if he will give $150 let him have him, as my intention at this time is to go north and return by the Canada Lakes to the west. My wound is worse than it has been for eight years and on that account I wish to travel north. The moment you get this letter, I wish you would see Mr. West, for if he does not want him (my horse), I will send him to Tennessee in the course of a few days by a friend on his way to Nashville. My horse cost me two hundred & thrity dollars, and I will not lose more than $80 on him. He is a most excellent animal.
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