Monday, March 2, 2009

General Sam Houston

216 Years Ago Today
March 2, 1793 - July 26, 1863
My 1st cousin, 6x removed
My 6th great grandfather, Robert Cunningham Houston, was Sam Houston's grandfather.

Or in other words...
my grandmother, Mary Jane (Davidson) Buckland
d/o Eliza Greever Greever (Gregory) Davidson
d/o Mary Jane (Daugherty) Gregory
d/o John L. Daugherty
s/o Hannah (Letcher) Dougherty
d/o Mary Davidson (Houston) Dougherty
d/o Robert Cunningham Houston

General Samuel Houston, governor of two states, president of the Republic of Texas, U.S. senator, and military hero, was one of the most colorful figures of 19th-century America. Born near Lexington, Va., on Mar. 2, 1793, he was reared in Tennessee by his widowed mother. As a youth he spent much time with Cherokee Indians and developed close ties with them. Joining the army, he served under Andrew Jackson in the Creek wars (1813-14). In 1818, Houston resigned his commission and, after studying law for a few months, was elected attorney general for Nashville and appointed adjutant general of Tennessee. He served two terms in Congress (1823-27) and in 1827 was elected governor of Tennessee. While governor...

Sam was one of nine children born to Major Samuel Houston and Elizabeth Paxton.

  1. Paxton Houston
  2. Robert Houston
  3. James Houston
  4. Major John Houston
  5. General Samuel Houston
  6. William Houston
  7. Isabella Houston
  8. Mary Houston
  9. Eliza Houston

The General married his third wife Margaret Moffett Lea
on May 9, 1840 and they had eight children.

  1. Samuel Houston, Jr.
  2. Nancy Elizabeth Houston
  3. Margaret Lea Houston
  4. Mary William Houston
  5. Antoinette Power Houston
  6. Andrew Jackson Houston
  7. William Rogers Houston
  8. Temple Lea Houston (shown below)

138 Years Ago Today
March 2, 1871
My great grandparents were married in Mudfork, VA. Sarah Jane Tabor and Jacob Alexander Buckland.

98 Years Ago Today
March 2, 1911 - October 27, 1976
Walter W. Graham was born in N. Tazewell, VA. He married my Aunt Nora Francis "Frankie" Buckland on October 7, 1934.

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