Sunday, February 22, 2009

On This Day in 1849

160 Years Ago Today
February 22, 1849 - January 6, 1922

My great grandmother Sarah Jane Tabor was one of eight children born to James Harrison and Nancy Moore (Runyan) Tabor.
  1. Emily Tabor
  2. Sarah Jane Tabor
  3. Samuel G. Tabor
  4. George C. Tabor
  5. William B. Tabor
  6. Joseph Wade Tabor
  7. James Robert Tabor
  8. Meldora Tabor

Sarah married Jacob Alexander Buckland on March 2, 1871 at Mudfork, VA. They were parents of six children:

  1. Nancy Jane Polly Buckland
  2. George Robert Sylvester Buckland
  3. Cora Belle Buckland
  4. William Harrison Buckland
  5. Samuel Graham Buckland
  6. Larkin Watson Buckland, Sr. (my grandfather)

181 Years Ago Today
February 22, 1828 - November 19, 1864
Samuel Houston Letcher was one of at least four children born to William Houston Letcher and Elizabeth Davidson in Lexington, VA. My 1st cousins, 5x removed are:

  1. Governor John Letcher (VA's Civil War governor)
  2. Mary B. Letcher
  3. William M. Letcher
  4. Samuel Houston Letcher

Samuel Houston Letcher - Captain, Co. H (2nd). b. Rockbridge Co. 2/23/28. gd. Washington College '48 and LLD '50. Lawyer and Editor, Lexington 4/18/61. Present until promoted Lt. Col. 58th VA. Inf. 10/31/61. Promoted Colonel 5/1/62. Resigned 10/31/62. Newspaper Editor, Lexington. d. Lexington 11/11/68. Bur. Stonewall Jackson Cem.

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