Saturday, February 28, 2009

On This Day in 1811

198 Years Ago Today
February 28, 1811
My 3rd great granduncle, Stephen Buckland, married Melinda Meadows in Monroe County, WV. Stephen was one of ten children born to John Buckland and Susanna Stephenson.

  1. Thomas Buckland
  2. John Buckland
  3. Rachel Buckland
  4. Elizabeth "Betsy" Buckland
  5. Stephen Buckland
  6. Margaret "Peggy" Buckland
  7. Daniel Buckland
  8. Walter "Watt" Buckland
  9. Susanna Buckland
  10. Mary Ann Buckland

Stephen and Melinda were parents of at least five children:

  1. Peter Buckland
  2. James Buckland
  3. Richard Buckland
  4. Francis Buckland
  5. Mary J. Buckland


156 Years Ago Today
February 28, 1852
George Peery, my 1st cousin, 2x removed, was one of seven children born to John Drew Peery and Mary Clay Gregory. See previous posts in January/February for siblings.
129 Years Ago Today
February 28, 1880
Arlington Hicks Neel was one of six 2nd cousins, 2x removed, born to Matthias Fox Neel and Hannah Letcher Daugherty.

  1. Arlington Hicks Neel
  2. Anna Lane Neel
  3. Ora Lee Neel
  4. Margaret Barnes Neel
  5. Clara B. Neel
  6. David Elgin Neel

Miss Madalyn Lula Ross

Congratulations to proud parents Michael & Katie Ross, grandparents David & Wanda Ross and great Granny Clara. Welcome Miss Madalyn Lula - you are beautiful. January 21, 2009.

Someday I'll jump through puddles,
Take a stroll or run a race.
Someday I'll walk across the street,
Or maybe walk in space,

Someday I'll scale a mountain,
Or I'll join a ballet corps.
Someday I'll walk a tightrope,
Or explore the ocean floor.

Someday these feet will do some things,
That only heaven knows,
But for today they're happy
Just to wiggle all their toes.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Welcome Isabella

February 23, 2009
Miss Isabella Chepy is welcomed by her parents,
Keleigh and Lee, big sister Sophia, proud Grandma Linda and Great Granny Clara. Congratulations!

On This Day in 1887

122 Years Ago Today
February 24, 1887

Nancy Jane "Polly" Buckland married Charles W. Wimmer. My grandaunt was one of six children born to Jacob Alexander Buckland and Sarah Jane Tabor. See previous posts in January for her siblings, including her youngest brother - my grandfather, Larkin Watson Buckland, Sr. Nancy is buried at the Compton Cemetery in Mudfork. Picture courtesy of Judy Llamas.

Nancy and Charles were parents to nine children:

  1. Alto Juanita Wimmer
  2. Robert Johnson Wimmer
  3. Arthur Wimmer
  4. Nora Lou Wimmer
  5. Edna Wimmer
  6. Charles W. Wimmer
  7. Eugene C. Wimmer
  8. Anna Wimmer
  9. Sallie J. Wimmer

Monday, February 23, 2009

On This Day in 1860

149 Years Ago Today
February 23, 1860
My 2nd great granduncle Franklin Clemons Gregory married Shelma Shawver in Tazewell County, VA. For a listing of their twelve children, see February 19th post. Franklin was one of fifteen children born to John Keatts Gregory and Elizabeth Holland Corder. See post of February 7th for siblings.
81 Years Ago Today
February 23, 1928 - August 23, 1995
Robert Nolan Davidson, my 2nd cousin, 1x removed, was born to Robert Wallace Davidson and Davida May Hardy in Springville, Utah.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

On This Day in 1849

160 Years Ago Today
February 22, 1849 - January 6, 1922

My great grandmother Sarah Jane Tabor was one of eight children born to James Harrison and Nancy Moore (Runyan) Tabor.
  1. Emily Tabor
  2. Sarah Jane Tabor
  3. Samuel G. Tabor
  4. George C. Tabor
  5. William B. Tabor
  6. Joseph Wade Tabor
  7. James Robert Tabor
  8. Meldora Tabor

Sarah married Jacob Alexander Buckland on March 2, 1871 at Mudfork, VA. They were parents of six children:

  1. Nancy Jane Polly Buckland
  2. George Robert Sylvester Buckland
  3. Cora Belle Buckland
  4. William Harrison Buckland
  5. Samuel Graham Buckland
  6. Larkin Watson Buckland, Sr. (my grandfather)

181 Years Ago Today
February 22, 1828 - November 19, 1864
Samuel Houston Letcher was one of at least four children born to William Houston Letcher and Elizabeth Davidson in Lexington, VA. My 1st cousins, 5x removed are:

  1. Governor John Letcher (VA's Civil War governor)
  2. Mary B. Letcher
  3. William M. Letcher
  4. Samuel Houston Letcher

Samuel Houston Letcher - Captain, Co. H (2nd). b. Rockbridge Co. 2/23/28. gd. Washington College '48 and LLD '50. Lawyer and Editor, Lexington 4/18/61. Present until promoted Lt. Col. 58th VA. Inf. 10/31/61. Promoted Colonel 5/1/62. Resigned 10/31/62. Newspaper Editor, Lexington. d. Lexington 11/11/68. Bur. Stonewall Jackson Cem.

Friday, February 20, 2009

On This Day in 1797

212 Years Ago Today
February 20, 1797
My 4th great granduncle Stephen Giles Letcher married Elizabeth Perkins in Goochland County, VA. I believe that he was one of nine children born to John Letcher and Mary Davidson Houston, my 5th great grandparents. However, you can be certain by researching for yourself. This site seems to have some answers about their ancestry from Wales/Ireland/Scotland.

  1. Hannah Letcher
  2. James Letcher
  3. Stephen Giles Letcher
  4. William Houston Letcher
  5. Captain John Letcher, Jr.
  6. Isaac Anderson Letcher
  7. Mary Polly Letcher
  8. Sarah Sallie Letcher
  9. Ann Letcher

Thursday, February 19, 2009

On This Day in 1845

164 Years Ago Today
February 19, 1845
Hannah Letcher married Brigadier General John Dunlap Stevenson.

Hannah was of at least four children, my 1st cousins, 5x removed, born to Captain John Letcher, Jr. and Mary Pugh in Rockbridge County, VA.

  1. Hannah Letcher
  2. James Letcher
  3. William H. Letcher
  4. John Letcher

Hannah and General Stevenson had at least two children.

  1. Virginia Lizzie Stevenson
  2. John C. Houston Stevenson

182 Years Ago Today
February 19, 1827
My 3rd great granduncle, Richard Dennis Gregory, married Elizabeth H. Pigg in Pittsylvania County, VA. Richard was one of nine children born to William Gregory and Martha Tucker.

  1. Martha "Patsy" Gregory
  2. Robert T. Gregory
  3. John Keatts Gregory (my 3rd great grandfather)
  4. Maryan Polly Gregory
  5. William Gregory
  6. Lowry Gregory
  7. Elizabeth Gregory
  8. Nancy Gregory
  9. Richard Dennis Gregory

152 Years Ago Today
February 19, 1857
John M. Dougherty married Sarah Harpole. John was one of ten children, (1st cousin, 4x removed) born to Giles Dougherty and Mary Polly Doak. John was born in Pike, MO and elected Lt. Governor to IL in 1868. See previous posts for siblings and children.
128 Years Ago Today
February 19, 1881 - March 7, 1881
A dear baby was laid to rest in Clearfork, Tazewell County, VA. Heart broken parents were Franklin Clemons Gregory and Shelma Statira V. Shawver.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

On This Day in 1862

147 Years Ago Today
February 18, 1862 - June 1, 1922
Dudley Davis Baker was one of six children born to James William Baker and Fannie Ellis. And although he and I are not directly related, he married my 1st cousin, 3x removed, Sarah Texan Tabor.
Dudley Davis Baker
Sarah Texan Tabor
James William Baker
Fannie Ellis
140 Years Ago Today
February 18, 1869
Wade Hampton Dougherty was one of six of my 2bnd cousins, 3x removed, born to John M. Dougherty and Sarah Harpole.
  1. Mary E. M. Dougherty
  2. James F. Dougherty
  3. John P. Dougherty
  4. George McClellan "Mack" Dougherty
  5. Lydia J. Dougherty
  6. Wade Hampton Dougherty
    98 Years Ago Today
    February 18, 1911
    Both Garnett Fox and Helen Gregory Smithdeal were born. They were both, 2nd cousins, 2x removed.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

On This Day in 1864

145 Years Ago Today
February 17, 1864 Jane K. McDaniel married my cousin, Walter M. Dougherty. Walter was born in Pike, MO, one of 10 1st cousins, 4x removed, to parents Giles Dougherty and Mary Polly Doak.

  1. John M. Dougherty
  2. James W. Dougherty
  3. Walter M. Dougherty
  4. Reace Dougherty
  5. Mary Dougherty
  6. E.I. Dougherty
  7. Bolivar Dougherty
  8. Andrew Jackson Dougherty
  9. Isaac F. Dougherty
  10. Charles William Dougherty

Walter and Jane had 5 children:

  1. Giles H. Dougherty
  2. James J. Dougherty
  3. Minnie C. Dougherty
  4. Charles B. Dougherty
  5. Daisy D. Dougherty

Most of these Dougherty's moved westward, even as far as Molalla, Clackamas County, Oregon.

88 Years Ago Today
February 17, 1921
In Falls Mills, Tazewell County, Virginia Fannie Geneva Givens married my 1st cousin, 2x removed, James J. Buckland. James was one of at least four children born to William Jasper Buckland and Emily Tabor.

  1. John A. Buckland
  2. Unknown Buckland
  3. James J. Buckland
  4. Maude B. Buckland
  5. Charles Edward Buckland, Sr.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

On This Day in 1920

89 Years Ago Today
February 15, 1920 - May 26, 1991
Mary Ruth (McHaffa) Rutherford, my 1st cousin, 1x removed, was born to Nathaniel Ezra MaHaffa and Nannie Crockett Davidson in Mercer County, WV. Ruth married Earl Forrest Rutherford and had three children:
  1. Earl Forrest "Chuffy" Rutherford
  2. Tim Rutherford
  3. Mary Ann Rutherford

Saturday, February 14, 2009

On This Day in 1885

124 Years Ago Today
February 14, 1885 - February 5, 1967

Grandaddy Buckland and his 1924 Nash

1st on left back at a delegation from the railroad was sent to St. Paul, MN.

Larkin Watson Buckland, Sr. was one of six children born to Jacob Alexander Buckland and Sarah Jane Tabor. See post of January 19th for siblings.

117 Years Ago Today
February 14, 1892
Eleanor Stuart Walker was one of nine children born to Rev. John Randolph Walker and Mary Jane Brown. Eleanor and her siblings were my 2nd cousins, 2x removed.
  1. Alexander Philip Walker
  2. John Kahle Walker
  3. Marvin N. Walker
  4. Harriet Reeves Walker
  5. Robert Charles Walker
  6. Louise Laura Alice Walker
  7. Thomas Frank Fowler Walker
  8. Maybelle Stuart Walker
  9. Eleanor Stuart Walker

Thursday, February 12, 2009

On This Day in 1910

99 Years Ago Today
February 12, 1910

Mary Jane and Margrette Haynes Buckland were born to Larkin Watson and Mary Jane (Davidson) Buckland. My aunts brought great joy to their parents these many years ago, but sadness soon followed as their young lives were lost in infancy. Mary Jane died July 23, 1910 and Margrette died September 3, 1910. They are buried at the Harry Cemetery, Falls Mills, Tazewell County, VA.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

On This Day in 1862

147 Years Ago Today
February 11, 1862
Nancy J. Dougherty married John F. Asbury in Tazewell County, VA. Nancy was one of nine, born to Irishman James Thompson Dougherty and Lydia Dills. The picture below may be what the town of Tazewell looked like during this time.

  1. E. Rebecca Dougherty
  2. Nancy J. Dougherty (1st cousins, 4x removed)
  3. Robert B. Dougherty
  4. Louisa Dougherty
  5. Amarinda Dougherty
  6. Lydia B. Dougherty
  7. Alexander W. Dougherty
  8. Leda A. Dougherty
  9. Martha Dougherty

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

On This Day in 1937

72 Years Ago Today
February 10, 1937
Una Blanche Buckland married Jack Whitehead in Bluefield, Tazewell County, VA. Una was one of eigh first cousins, 2x removed born to Charles E. Buckland, Sr. and Elizabeth Burnett Hudgins.
  1. Louise Annie "John" Buckland
  2. William Clyde Buckland
  3. Joseph Kelser Buckland
  4. Una Blanche Buckland
  5. Maude Clara Buckland
  6. Clyde Curtis "Curt" Buckland (lived beside us at Falls Mills)
  7. Charles Edward Buckland, Jr.
  8. Hubert Buckland (wife Ellen below)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Anniversary Buck and Susie

48 Years Ago Today
February 9, 1961

185 Years Ago Today
February 9, 1824
Lowry Gregory married Amelia Richeson in Amelia County, VA. My 3rd great granduncle was one of nine children born to William Gregory and Martha Tucker in Pittsylvania County, VA.

  1. Martha "Patsy" Gregory
  2. Robert T. Gregory
  3. John Keatts Gregory (my 3rd great grandfather)
  4. Mary Polly Gregory
  5. William Gregory
  6. Lowry Gregory
  7. Elizabeth Gregory
  8. Nancy Gregory
  9. Richard Dennis Gregory

148 Years Ago Today
February 9, 1861
Louisa Alice Peery was one of at least seven children (1st cousins, 3x removed) born to John Drew Peery and Mary Clay Gregory in Tazewell County, VA.

  1. David Preston Peery
  2. Charles Henry Peery Sr.
  3. George Peery
  4. Ella Martelia Peery
  5. Mary Elizabeth Peery
  6. Louisa Alice Peery
  7. Mollie Elizabeth Peery

145 Years Ago Today
February 9, 1864
Erastus Granger Davidson,my 2nd great granduncle married Sarah Ann Sanders. Erastus was brother to Samuel Patton Davidson and son of Robert W. Davidson and Mary Polly Harman.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

On This Day in 1830

179 Years Ago Today
February 7, 1830 - January 1, 1894
Richard Shadrack Gregory, my 2nd great granduncle, was one of fifteen children born to John Keatts Gregory and Elizabeth Holland Corder in Pittsylvania County, VA.
  1. Daniel Parham Gregory (my 2nd great grandfather)
  2. Lewis Corder Gregory
  3. William Lowery Gregory
  4. Perlina Ledford Gregory
  5. John Henry Gregory
  6. Permelia Clement Gregory
  7. Martha Tucker Gregory
  8. Mary Clay Gregory
  9. Richard Shadrack Gregory
  10. Nancy Reeves Gregory
  11. Elizabeth Holland Gregory
  12. Franklin Clemons Gregory
  13. James Madison Gregory
  14. Thompson Edward Gregory
  15. Doctor Clauton Gregory

Thank you, once again to Janet Peters for all the GREGORY genealogy.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Katie

165 Years Ago Today
February 6, 1844 - May 9, 1915
Thomas Edward Tabor, my great granduncle, was the son of James Harrison Tabor.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

On This Day in 1907

102 Years Ago Today
February 5, 1907

Vernon Kenneth Davidson was one of nine children born to Robert Wallace Davidson (b. 6-17-1866) and Julia Justina Herbert.
  1. Joseph Frank Davidson 7-7-1892
  2. Robert Wallace Davidson 8-25-1894
  3. Jessie Marie Davidson 12-1896
  4. Millie Aleen Davidson 9-16-1899
  5. Vida Lyrene Davidson 5-18-1902
  6. Ruth Davidson 8-20-1904
  7. Vernon Kenneth Davidson 2-5-1907
  8. Earl Bennett Davidson 11-9-1909
  9. Emma Lavern Davidson 2-2-1912

As you can see, the Davidson's continued the "namesake" with Robert Wallace. In researching, we must be careful not to confuse the generations.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

On This Day in 1825

184 Years Ago Today
February 3, 1825

My 3rd great grandparents, Mary Polly Harman and Robert W. Davidson (b. about 1801) were married in Tazewell County, VA. Mary was the daughter of Hezekiah Harman and Mary Polly Brown.

Polly and Robert had at least 4 children:
  1. Samuel Patton Davidson (my 2nd g-grandfather and father of Erastus Granger Davidson)
  2. Erastus G. Davidson
  3. Louisa Jane Davidson
  4. John Preston Davidson

Robert was one of nine children born to Joseph Davidson and Matilda Amanda Patton.
  1. Henry Preston Davidson
  2. Robert W. Davidson
  3. Martha "Matty" Davidson
  4. Jane G. Davidson
  5. Nancy Davidson
  6. John H. Davidson
  7. William G. Davidson
  8. James Cartmill Davidson
  9. Samuel Patton Davidson

Monday, February 2, 2009

On This Day in1849

160 Years Ago Today
February 2, 1849 - July 2, 1922
Charles William Dougherty was one of 10 children born to Giles Dougherty from Rockbridge County, VA and Mary Polly Doak. Charles and his siblings were my 1st cousins, 4 times removed:

  1. John M. Dougherty
  2. James W. Dougherty
  3. Walter M. Dougherty
  4. Reace Dougherty
  5. Mary Dougherty
  6. E.I. Dougherty
  7. Bolivar Dougherty
  8. Andrew Jackson Dougherty
  9. Isaac F. Dougherty
  10. Charles William Dougherty (b Pike Co.,IL - d Molalla , Clackamas Co.,OR)

Charles married Mary Elizabeth Sawtell and they had 7 children:

  1. Dennis Dougherty
  2. William Henry Dougherty
  3. Bessie Dougherty
  4. Louis Dougherty
  5. George Elmer Dougherty
  6. Otis Ray Dougherty
  7. Fred Giles Dougherty
  8. -----------------------------------------

124 Years Ago Today
February 2, 1885
Ora Lee Neel (Nash), my 2nd cousin, twice removed was one of six children born to Matthias Fox Neel and Harriet Letcher Daugherty in Clear Fork, VA.

  1. Arlington Hicks Neel
  2. Anna Lane Neel
  3. Ora Lee Neel
  4. Margaret Barnes Neel
  5. Clara B. Neel
  6. David Elgin Neel

Ora Lee and her husband, Thomas Edward Nash had 4 children:

  1. Claude Witten Nash
  2. Nancy Ernestine Nash
  3. Anna May Nash
  4. Thomas Edward Nash, Jr.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

This Month in 1835

174 Years Ago
February, 1835
James W. Dougherty was born in Pike, MO; one of 10 children of Giles Dougherty and Mary Polly Doak. James and his siblings were my 1st cousins, 4 times removed.

  1. John M. Dougherty (elected Lt. Governor to IL in 1868)
  2. James W. Dougherty (m. 0-10-1866 Mary A. Hale)
  3. Walter M. Dougherty
  4. Reace Dougherty
  5. Mary Dougherty
  6. E.I. Dougherty
  7. Bolivar Dougherty
  8. Andrew Jackson Dougherty
  9. Isaac F. Dougherty
  10. Charles William Dougherty

138 Years Ago
February 1871
David Preston Peery married Mary E. Harman. David was one of seven children born to John Drew Peery and Mary Clay Gregory. He and his siblings are my 1st cousins, three times removed:

  1. David Preston Peery
  2. Charles Henry Peery
  3. George Peery
  4. Ella Martelia Peery
  5. Mary Elizabeth Peery
  6. Lousia Alice Peery
  7. Mollie Elizabeth Peery


112 Years Ago
February 1897
Lillie E. Lowder was one of five children born to James Isaac Lowder and Louisa Victoria Gregory. Lillie and her siblings were my 2nd cousins, twice removed.

  1. Bertha Lowder
  2. Dora B. Lowder
  3. Charles Lee Lowder
  4. Will B. Lowder
  5. Lillie E. Lowder

63 Years Ago Today
February 1, 1946
Charles Nye Buckland married Clara Jane Rash. My uncle was the son of Larkin Watson Buckland, SR and Mary Jane Davidson. Charles and Clara had four children:

  1. Charles Allen
  2. Linda Jane
  3. Wanda Mae
  4. Phyllis Ann