Upon hearing the word Florida, a mental pop-up of snobbish condescending resorts, overly developed west coast beaches and jam-packed tourist attractions comes to mind. However, the Forgotten Coast, as it is often called, is home to the Apalachicola Bay where the long winding river empties into the blue green waters of the Gulf of Mexico and a sleepy little town offers some of the best local seafood known to man. My husband and I road-tripped the 80-mile journey today in the most beautiful sunshine our state has to offer. This time of year, as God tilts the earth on its axis, glistening waters reflect the suns beauty better than at any other time of year. We lazily drifted down deserted old streets in Apalachicola and browsed through unique shops of not-so typical beach and nautical décor. One shop owner’s dog napped atop the checkout counter, rolling over long enough for us to rub his belly, then smiled at us with contentment. The mutt seemed pleased to have us visit for a spell. At the proprietor’s suggestion, we stopped by the Owl Café for a fabulous lunch of fish and chips to the tune of wonderful jazzy music; a respite indeed for any workaholic whose time is ticking away until Monday morning strikes again.
So enjoy our pictures, better than a thousand words, but be assured, being there was better than any picture can tell. If you want to know more about the area, visit http://www.cityofapalachicola.com/
Before the development of railways in the Gulf states, Apalachicola was the third busiest port in the Gulf of Mexico (behind New Orleans and Mobile). In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the sponge trade, led by Greek immigrants, was a major industry in the town. Apalachicola is still the home port for a variety of seafood workers, including oyster harvesters and shrimpers. More than 90% of Florida's oyster production is harvested from Apalachicola Bay. The bay is well protected by St. Vincent Island, Flag, Sand, St. George Island, and Cape St. George Island.
So enjoy our pictures, better than a thousand words, but be assured, being there was better than any picture can tell. If you want to know more about the area, visit http://www.cityofapalachicola.com/
Before the development of railways in the Gulf states, Apalachicola was the third busiest port in the Gulf of Mexico (behind New Orleans and Mobile). In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the sponge trade, led by Greek immigrants, was a major industry in the town. Apalachicola is still the home port for a variety of seafood workers, including oyster harvesters and shrimpers. More than 90% of Florida's oyster production is harvested from Apalachicola Bay. The bay is well protected by St. Vincent Island, Flag, Sand, St. George Island, and Cape St. George Island.

The Forgotten Coast
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