Cousin John Pratt with Aunt Margaret and Uncle Robert
picture taken August 2008
108 Years Ago Today
November 15, 1900 - March 22, 1916
Greenlee D. Letcher, my 3rd cousin, three times removed,
was the grandson of Virginia's Civil War Governor
John Letcher and Mary Susan Holt.
He was the son of Captain Greenlee Davidson Letcher
and Katherine Seymour Paul. Greenlee is buried at the
Jackson Cemetery, Lexington, VA.
Greenlee's parents, G.D. Letcher & Katie Paul
and grandmother, Mary Susan Holt Letcher (widow of governor)
77 Years Ago Today
Norman Gregory was born in Bluefield, VA
My 3rd cousin, once removed. 1931- 1991
Once again, thanks to Cuz
Janet Harless Peters for Gregory data.
Margaret married Robert Sisk. The couple adopted
Jack Baker Sisk. Inscription on stone:PFC US ARMY KOREA
Charles Nye Buckland (top right)
Ellis H. Buckland, 82nd Airborne
The Forgotten Coast
When a Little Baby Dies
From the book "Rhymes Of Childhood'" ©1924
Edgar Guest
When a little baby dies
And the wee form silent lies,
And the little cheeks seem waxen
And the little hands are still,
Then your soul gives way to treason,
And you cry: "O, God, what reason,
O, what justice and what mercy
Have You shown us by Your will?"
"Oh, there are so many here
Of the yellow leaf and sere,
Who are anxious, aye, and ready
To respond unto Your call;
Yet You pass them by unheeding,
And You set our hearts to bleeding!
Oh how bitterly upon us
Do Your vaunted mercies fall!
"Yet some day, in after years,
When Death's angel once more nears,
And the unknown, silent river
Looms as darkly as a pall,
You will hear your baby saying,
"Mamma, come to me, I'm staying
With my arms outstretched to greet you,
"And you'll understand it all.
120 Years Ago Today
Mollie E. Harmon November 6, 1888 - June 29, 1889
She was the grandniece of Thompson Gregory.
She rests in the Whitley-Peery Cemetery, Riverside Dr, N. Tazewell, VA
My GREGORY genealogy comes from a very generous cousin who shared her research with me. Thank you Janet Harless Peters.
237 Years Ago Today
on November 5, 1771 in St. James, Goochland Co., VA
Hannah Letcher, my 4th great grandmother, was born the
Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
you formed me in my mother's womb.
I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking!
Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out,you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day.
Psalm 139
Happy 39th Lorelei Gregory; my 4th cousin.
Jean Gregory Leffell was born 81 years ago today in 1927 and passed away March 7, 2008. She was my 3rd cousin, once removed. Buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, near Shawvers Mill.