...a mallow cup candy bar? Here is a coupon from a double package of the chocolate marshmallow candy cup. Although this coupon is from a more recent time (indicated by the zip code) I remember when, as a kid, Larry Buckland would eat those all the time and collect the play money coupon to receive more mallow cups.
Click on the link to visit a history of mallow cups. http://www.boyercandies.com/history.html
I also remember when a coke was 7 cents and a candy bar was 3 cents at Mr. Waggoners store in Falls Mills.
...banana popsicles
...lotta cola
...what do you remember?
Leragail said...
I remember penny post cards, 1 cent stamps and "pop" was 3 cents. I like what you are blogging.Gail
I remember penny post cards, 1 cent stamps and "pop" was 3 cents. I like what you are blogging.