Friday, January 30, 2009
On This Day in 1878
January 30, 1878 - February 10, 1951
Annie Ardelia Hawley (Tabor) was born to James Hawley and Martha Ann Tabor. Annie, my 2nd cousin, twice removed, married James Brittan Tabor and they had at least one child, Mingle Lafayette Tabor. They are both buried at the Tabor Cemetery, Mudfork VA.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Happy Birthday Jimmy
73 Years Ago Today
January 29, 1936
James Walter Lawrence, my 1st cousin, was born to James Walter and Bertha Ward (Buckland ) Lawrence. Jimmy here with some cousins, l-r front Eddie, Larry, Jimmy l-r back Charlie, Cecil, Ellis

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
On This Day in 1857
January 27, 1857
Julia A. Mitchell married James Moore in McMinn County, TN. Julia was one of four known children born to Clarinda Julia Dougherty and William Mitchell of Tazewell County, VA.
- Julia A. Mitchell (my 1st cousin, 4 times removed)
- Sallie H. Mitchell
- James Harvey Mitchell
- Amanda Mitchell
99 Years Ago Today
January 27, 1910
My 3rd cousin, once removed, James Thomas Davidson, was born to William Erastus and Bertie Lee (Ward)Davidson. He was one of 3 known children:
- James Thomas Davidson
- Erastus Granger Davidson
- William Glenn Davidson
The name Erastus Granger was repeated often in the Davidson family. My great grandfather was named Erastus Granger, but was the son of Samuel P. Davidson. Samuel P's brother was also named Erastus Granger Davidson, the great grandfather of EGD above. Are you confused yet?
This name repetition makes genealogy research somewhat difficult, but remains a wonderful way to honor a beloved family member. According to Wikipedia, namesake was first recorded in 1646 to mean "person named for the sake of someone", the reference to something being a namesake imports a connection between the two that extends beyond sharing similarly looking names.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
On This Day in 1852
January 25, 1852 - January 13, 1924
My great grandfather, Erastus Granger Davidson, was born to Samuel P. Davidson and Visa Allen. He married Eliza Greever Gregory. See my post of January 20th for a picture of Granger and and my great grandmother and a list of their children.
Friday, January 23, 2009
On This Day in 1838
January 23, 1838
My 3rd great grand uncle, Giles Dougherty, married Mary Doak in Tazewell County, VA. Giles was born in Rockbridge County, VA. He was one of nine children born to John and Hannah (Letcher) Dougherty.
- John L. Dougherty
- William Houston Dougherty
- Clarinda Julia Dougherty
- Giles Dougherty
- James Thompson Dougherty
- Julia Ann "Julian" Dougherty
- Mary Ester Dougherty
- Mary Hannah Dougherty
- Sallie Houston
Giles and Mary "Polly" Doak had 10 children:
- John M. Dougherty
- James W. Dougherty
- Walter M. Dougherty
- Reace Dougherty
- Mary Dougherty
- E.I. Dougherty
- Bolivar Dougherty
- Andrew Jackson Dougherty
- Isaac F. Dougherty
- Charles William Dougherty
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
On This Day in 1880
January 20, 1880
My great grandparents Erastus Granger Davidson and
Eliza Greever Gregory were married in Tazewell County, VA.

Volume 3, Page 54 - Line 9 - Date of Marriage 1-22-1880
Erastus Granger Davidson Age 26 yrs 11 mos 27 days single
Parents Sam'l P. Davidson and Vicey Allen, b. in Leavenworth County, KS
Eliza Greever Gregory Age 23 single b. in Tazewell County Parents Dan'l and M.J. Gregory
Married by S. W. Austin a minister of the gospel.
- Charles Lewis Davidson
- Mary Jane Davidson (my grandmother)
- Sallie Elizabeth Davidson
- Cosby Isabell Davidson
- Samuel Patton Davidson
- Luther Hefford Davidson
- Nannie Crockett Davidson
- Ella Findley Davidson
Monday, January 19, 2009
On This Day in 1872
January 19, 1872 - July 29, 1917
Nancy Jane Polly Buckland was born in Tazewell County to Jacob Alexander and Sarah Jane (Tabor) Buckland. My grand aunt was the oldest of 6 children and was buried at the Compton Cemetery in Falls Mills, VA.
- Nancy Jane Polly Buckland
- George Robert Buckland
- Cora Belle Buckland
- William Harrison Buckland
- Samuel Graham Buckland
- Larkin Watson Buckland (my grandfather)
104 Years Ago Today
January 19, 1905 - November 20, 1989
Cecil Lloyd Gregory, my 2nd cousin, twice removed, was born to William Benton Gregory and Elizabeth Ann "Bet" Ruble. He was one of five children.
- Callie Susie Gregory
- Lacy Clemons Gregory
- Barbara Virginia "Barb" Gregory
- Cecil Lloyd Gregory
- George William Gregory
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
On This Day in 1876
January 13, 1876 - June 20, 1945
Nannie Mae Daugherty was born in Graham (now Bluefield), Tazewell County, Virginia to David A. Daugherty and Nancy "Nannie" Lane Moore. My 1st cousin, three times removed, was the youngest of seven children. She was also the 2nd great granddaughter of Captain James Moore of Abbs Valley, Virginia who was massacared by Indians, along with most of his family in July 1786.
- Sarah Elizabeth "Sallie" Daugherty
- Harriet Letcher Daugherty
- Margaret W. Daugherty
- John William Daugherty
- George Fulton Daugherty
- Charles R. Daugherty
- Nannie Mae Daugherty
Nannie Mae married H.A. Green. I know that they had at least one child, Fred A. Green.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Jimmy
150 Years Ago Today
January 10, 1859
Clarinda Doutherty married Moses Long in McMinn County, TN. Clarinda was my 3rd great grandaunt and one of 9 children born to Hannah Letcher and John Dougherty in Tazewell County, VA.
- Mary Hannah Dougherty
- William Houston Dougherty
- James Thompson Dougherty
- John L. Dougherty
- Clarinda Julia Dougherty
- Julia Ann Dougherty
- Giles Dougherty
- Mary Ester Dougherty
- Sallie Houston Dougherty
175 Years Ago Today
Elizabeth Gregory Whitley was born in Pittsylvania County, VA. She was my 2nd great grandaunt.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
On This Day in 1851
January 8, 1851
Nancy Reeves Gregory married John Wesley Brown in Taylorsville, Johnson County, TN. Nancy was my 2nd great grandaunt and one of 15 children born to John Keatts Gregory and Elizabeth Holland Corder.
- Daniel Parham Gregory, my 2nd great grandfather
- Lewis Corder Gregory
- William Lowery Gregory
- Perlina Ledford Gregory
- John Henry Gregory
- Permelia Clement Gregory
- Martha Tucker Gregory
- Mary Clay Gregory
- Richard Shadrack Gregory
- Nancy Reeves Gregory
- Elizabeth H. Gregory
- Franklin Clemons Gregory
- James Madison Gregory
- Thompson Edward Gregory
- Doctor Clauton Gregory
Although these children were born in Pittsylvania County, VA, many of them lived and died in the Clear Fork area of Tazewell County, VA. Thank you Cousin Janet Peters for much of my Gregory genealogy.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
In Loving Memory
January 7, 1974 - August 8, 2008
God gives many gifts to us in this life, and parents especially understand the joyous blessing of having a child. Tragically, a precious child was taken from his family five months ago. On this day of Heath's birth, let us celebrate his life and the huge smiles and wonderful memories he left to those who knew him well.

My voice rises to God, and I will cry aloud;
My voice rises to God, and He will hear me.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
On This Day in 1864
January 6, 1864
Mary Peery Brown was born to David Preston Peery and Mary E. Harman in Tazewell County, VA, my 2nd cousin, twice removed. Mary married Thomas Jackson Brown.
167 Years Ago Today
January 6, 1842
Julia Dougherty, my 3rd great grandaunt married Manuel Parkinson. Julia was the daughter of Hannah Letcher and John Dougherty.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
On This Day in 1889
January 3, 1889 - October 20, 1966
(Photos from FINDAGRAVE.COM supplied
by Judy Llamas and Stephen Moody)

- Dudley Thomas Baker
- James H. Baker
- Margaret Virginia "Ginny" Baker
- Everett Taylor Baker
Friday, January 2, 2009
On This Day in 1890
Sallie Elizabeth Davidson was the 3rd of 8 children born to Erastus Granger Davidson and Eliza Greever Gregory; a sister to my Grandmother Buckland (Mary Jane Davidson). Aunt Sallie was also the wife of my 1st cousin, once removed Robert "Bob" Johnson Wimmer. Uncle Bob was a nephew to Mary Jane's husband, Larkin Watson Buckland, Sr. Got that? This whole genealogy thing sometimes gets confusing. Aunt Sallie and Uncle Bob lived in a large house on the hill overlooking Falls Mills Dam on the Mudfork Road. I doubt the house still stands, but I would love to have a picture of it. It was a modest dwelling in the midst of the woods, but the view from there overlooking the dam must have been spectacular.
Sallie & Siblings:
- Charles Lewis Davidson
- Mary Jane Davidson
- Sallie Elizabeth Davidson
- Cosby Isabell Davidson
- Samuel Patton Davidson
- Luther Hefford Davidson
- Nannie Crockett Davidson
- Ella Findley Davidson
I believe that Aunt Sallie & Uncle Bob had 4 children :
- Hazel Wimmer
- Lee Anna Wimmer
- Nancy Wimmer
- Loraine Wimmer
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year
