Thursday, May 23, 2013
I've moved.....

Saturday, May 15, 2010
On This Day in 1922
Charles W. Dougherty, my 3rd cousin, 2x removed, was born to Fred Giles Dougherty and Agnes Bryan in Molalla, Oregon. My 4th great grandfather, John Dougherty (1776 Ireland) was Charles' 2nd great grandfather.
Charles married Wanda Lucille Coover on Sept 23, 1946 and they had two children.
Generations of Pioneering and Railroading Family Gather for Reunion
The BUCKLAND-DAVIDSON-TABOR FAMILY REUNION was held Saturday, May 8th at Graham Recreation Park on 460 west of Bluefield, VA. From ten states, nearly 100 relatives of L.W.,Sr. And Mary Jane Davidson Buckland shared a beautiful spring day in celebration of their pioneer heritage and told stories from their childhood. The ancestoral couple resided in Falls Mills from the early 1920's until 1967 when Mr. Buckland passed away. His only living child, Robert Cecil Buckland (92), owns and lives in the old foursquare brick homeplace on Mudfork Road. Larkin Watson's father, Jacob Alexander Buckland, husband of Sarah Jane Tabor, owned land and operated a grist mill on the Bluestone River and was a horse breeder throughout the county.
The group's ancestry is English from the Buckland line, Scotch-Irish from the Davidson, Daugherty and Ward lines and German through the Harman line. Pioneers from these families immigrated and settled these lands through violent Indian attacks. These descendants are directly related to John Goolman Davidson, original settler of Bluefield who fought Indians alongside the Bailey's at a fort near the current day Westgate Shopping Center and Bluefield College at the state line. Ties also connect Davidson's son Joseph, whose log home is on view near Mitchell Stadium. Pioneer David Ward of Tazewell's Ward's Cove and Col. Henry Harman, key officers in the establishment of Tazewell County are also connected. If first cousins, five or six times removed count, this long standing family is related to both General Samuel Houston and Virginia's Civil War Governor, John Letcher. There is talk of this being the "first annual" Buckland-Davidson Family Reunion, but there is no future date set as of yet.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
BUCKLAND Family Reunion MAY 8, 2010

This partial list of Surnames contains our relatives and some close family friends – including, but not limited to: Allen, Baker, Bailey, Buckland, Compton, Davis, Daugherty, Davidson, Gregory, Harman, Houston, Lawrence, Letcher, McCroskey, McHaffa, Peery, Pratt, Shufflebarger, Tabor, Ward, Wickline, Wimmer… If you’re an outlaw, come along too.
Saturday, May 8th, 2010
11:00 AM
Graham City Park on 460
Near St. Clair’s Crossing, West of Bluefield, VA
• There is no charge for anything.
• Just bring two or three covered dishes and your own drinks
(no alcohol allowed at park)
• Bring a lawn chair if you like – Dress comfortably
• Bring something for show and tell!
• Bring your camera
• Bring a copy of a picture of your parents, even if you are an outlaw
• Let's all get together for some tall tales and old, old, pictures
• Clara will bring paper supplies & napkins
• I’ll bring a genealogy chart beginning with L.W. & Mary Jane Buckland
• I’ll bring a laptop with family pictures – if you want copies, bring an 8GB or larger zip (flash) drive and I will copy them for you. No disks or printer.
If you don’t mind, drop me an email sherrykelly@comast.net or give me a call 850-386-5974 so I’ll know how many. If the turn-out is large enough, I’ll reserve another pavilion.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
BUCKLAND Family Reunion MAY 8, 2010

I reserved a pavilion at Graham City Park on 460 near St. Clair's Crossing for May 8th. Bring a covered dish or two, dress comfortably and let's all get together for some tall tales and old, old, pictures. Bring something for show and tell! We'll have a grand time! I'll send a SAVE THE DATE flyer via email. Send me your email at sherrykelly@comcast.net
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Happy 65th
Happy Happy Happy Birthday to You.
Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday, Dear Larry.
Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday to You.

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Happy 88th Birthday Mom

may this day be filled with joy!
How did you find the energy, Mom
To do all the things you did,
To be teacher, nurse and counselor
To me, when I was a kid.
How did you do it all, Mom,
Be a chauffeur, cook and friend,
Yet find time to be a playmate,
I just can’t comprehend.
I see now it was love, Mom
That made you come whenever I'd call,
Your inexhaustible love, Mom
And I thank you for it all.
By Joanna Fuchs
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Happy 11th Birthday Will

Send me that picture with your soccer victory trophy. I'd love to post that great shot! sherrykelly@comcast.net
Friday, August 7, 2009
Stay Tuned
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Birthday Blessings
I want to take this opportunity;
To wish you a special day.
For this is your very special time;
And things should go your way.
Many blessings come to you;
From my heart, for all it's worth.
For this is your very special day
It is the day that marks your birth.
Happy Birthday, Many happy returns;
Go to you today, from me.
And all the good that you have done;
Is there, for all to see.
So make the most of this, your day;
And may all your wishes come true.
As I ask God to bless you today;
These blessings, from me to you!
Betty Hawkins 2003
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Happy Anniversary Larry and Darlene

Larry, you share this anniversary date with your 4th great grandparents...
200 Years Ago Today
July 24, 1809
Joseph Runyan, from Montgomery County, VA, married Nancy Jacobs, from Tazewell County, VA. They are my 3rd great grandparents. Two of their children were:
- Nancy Moore Runyan (my 2nd great grandmother)
- Charity H. Runyan
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
On This Day in 1851
July 22, 1851
My 2nd great grandparents were married. Mary Jane Daugherty (John L.,John, John) and Daniel Parham Gregory (John Keatts, William, John, Thomas III, Thomas II, Thomas, Richard). They had six children and were laid to rest at the Daniel Gregory Cemetery in Clear Fork, Tazewell County, VA. Mary Jane was the granddaughter of Tazewell County pioneer, David Ward. Her brief obit is preserved in an old scrapbook belonging to her namesake granddaughter, Mary Jane Davidson.
Daniel Parham Gregory October 2, 1819 - May 16, 1859
Mary Jane Daugherty May 24, 1826 - April 13, 1897
In March of 1859, Daniel & Mary Jane Gregory's last child was born, a boy named Lewis H. Barely two months later, Daniel was dead. cause of death Scrofula {tuberculosis of the lymphatic glands, at only 39 years old. Browne Hollowell
Wikipedia says, "Scrofula is the term used for tuberculosis of the neck, or, more precisely, a cervical tuberculous lymphadenopathy. Scrofula is usually a result of an infection in the lymph nodes, known as lymphadenitis and is most often observed in immunocompromised patients (about 50% of cervical tuberculous lymphadenopathy). About 95% of the scrofula cases in adults are caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but only 8% of cases in children. The rest are caused by atypical mycobacterium (Mycobacterium scrofulaceum) or nontuberculous mycobacterium (NTM). With the stark decrease of tuberculosis in the second half of the 20th century, scrofula became a very rare disease. With the appearance of AIDS, however, it has shown a resurgence, and presently affects about 5% of severely immunocompromised patients. Signs and symptoms...The most usual signs and symptoms are the appearance of a chronic, painless mass in the neck, which is persistent and usually grows with time. The mass is referred to as a "cold abscess", because there is no accompanying local color or warmth and the overlying skin acquires a violaceous (bluish-purple) color. NTM infections do not show other notable constitutional symptoms, but scrofula caused by tuberculosis is usually accompanied by other symptoms of the disease, such as fever, chills, malaise and weight loss in about 43% of the patients. As the lesion progresses, skin becomes adhered to the mass and may rupture, forming a sinus and an open wound."
Note the 1850 Census for Tazewell Co., VA, Western District, p. 179, 24 Sept.
27 Chas. H. Greever age 44 male Farmer Real Est. 4,000 b. Va
28 Eliza 28 female "
29 Alexr 12 male "
30 Blair 10 male "
31 Chas 2 male "
32 Mary Daugherty 20 female "
Next door is:
33 Jno D Peery 62 male Farmer Real Est. 5,000 b. Va
34 Mary 20 female "
35 David P. 10/12 male "
Mary is Mary Clay Gregory, the younger sister of Daniel Parham Gregory. I would say this is how Daniel and Mary Jane Daugherty met. (speculation Browne Hollowell) And I would bet that living in Chas. H. Greever's house as probably a servant or helper to Eliza Greever, that Mary Jane named her next daughter after a woman who had been kind and a friend to her. Were they related? I don't know.
Charles and Eliza are buried at the Greever Cemetery at Five Oaks in east Tazewell. Eliza J., wife of Chas H. Greever, died Nov. 9, 1881, age 62 y & 7 D. I think that would make her born Nov. 2, 1819. So actually she was 31 (Lacking one month) in 1850. So a 31 year old married woman with three children, could have welcomed young 20yr old Mary Daugherty, and been a friend and mentor. As you know, it was very common in 18th and 19th centuries, for a young girl to leave her family and go live with another family, not necessarily as a servant but more as a mother's helper. Perhaps it was a way of dealing with adolescent attitudes which can be a little difficult between mother and daughter sometimes, but would have been tempered by being in another woman's house.
On 22 May 1852, twins were born. This was not unusual in the Gregory family to have twins.
These twins were named John K. L. and Elizabeth H. John K. L. died the next day, 23 May 1852, but he was named for Daniel's father, John Keatts Gregory. I do not know what the L stands for. Elizabeth H. is most probably named after Daniel's mother, Elizabeth Holland Corder Gregory. This was a strong custom to name the first after the father's family.
Next, in March, 1854, Nancy Ward Gregory is born. She is named after Mary Jane's mother, Nancy Ward Daugherty. Again, a strong custom to name after the mother's family at the next birth. Then Eliza Greever Gregory is born June 1856.
109 Years Ago Today
July 22, 1900
Erastus Wiley Davidson (John Adams, Erastus Granger, Robert W., Joseph, John Goolman) was born to John Adams Davidson and Lillie Emma Bette Riggle. Erastus Wiley was my 2nd cousin, 2x removed.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Etiquette of the Era

Calling cards or visiting cards were first used in China in the 15th century. They became popular in Europe during the 17th century, and soon traveled across the Atlantic to the social elite in the Americas.
Calling cards became an essential accessory for the rounds of reciprocal visits that played a significant role in genteel social life. They were used in accordance with an elaborate set of rules, according to which a would-be visitor would first leave her card with a new acquaintance at the acquaintance's home. The visitor would not expect to be admitted into the house, but would hope to receive a card from the acquaintance in response, as a sign that a face-to-face meeting would be welcomed. If the visitor did not receive a card in response, or if she received a card sent in an envelope (as opposed to one delivered personally by the acquaintance or her servant), she would know that she had received a social snub, and be discouraged from pursuing a face-to-face meeting.
During the 19th century the middle classes, in imitation of more privileged society, adopted the practice of using calling cards. The purpose of the cards changed, however, when fewer servants were available to deliver them, and they evolved as a precursor to the modern-day business card. Calling cards during this period were generally smaller than today's business cards, and usually consisted simply of a name engraved on glossy cardstock.
Emily Post, writing early in the 20th century, suggests that in certain social groups, calling cards could replace informal party invitations, contain messages of condolence or celebration, be used as endorsements, or be sent by mail. Even for Post, however, there are times when custom dictates that a calling card must be left. First, a guest must always leave a card after dining at someone's house for the first time, or if they were invited to a dinner but were unable to attend. Another occasion that requires a calling card, according to Post, is the return of a first visit. Post also considers a calling card essential when sending an invitation for the first time, and says that a card should always accompany the inquiries and expressions of sympathy that occur in the case of bereavement or illness in a family.
The following summary reflection from Emily Post conveys the social utility of calling cards, which lasted well into the 20th century: "Who was it that said—in the Victorian era probably, and a man of course—'The only mechanical tool ever needed by a woman is a hair-pin?' He might have added that with a hair-pin and a visiting card, she is ready to meet most emergencies" (Post). http://gslis.simmons.edu/henty/callingcards.htm

Sunday, July 19, 2009
On This Day in 1867
142 Years Ago Today
July 19, 1867 - August 12, 1954
Captain Greenlee Davidson Letcher was one of eleven children born to Governor John Letcher and Mary Susan (Holt)in Rockbridge County, VA.
- William Holt Letcher
- Samuel Houston Letcher
- Andrew Holt Letcher
- John Davidson Letcher
- Margaret Kinney Letcher
- Mary Davidson Letchr
- Virginia Lee Letcher
- Captian Greenlee Davidson Letcher (2nd cousin, 4x removed)
- Fannie Wilson Letcher
- Elizabeth Stuart Letcher
- Mary Susan Letcher
Captain Letcher married Katherine Seymour Paul on May 31, 1898 and they had 3 children:
- Greenlee D. Letcher
- John Letcher
- General John Seymour "Buzz" Letcher
Captian Letcher rests in the Stonewall Jackson Cemetery in Lexington, VA.
110 Years Ago Today
July 19, 1899 - May29, 1959
Lacy Clemons Gregory was one of five children born to William Benton Gregory and Elizabeth Ann Ruble.
- Callie Susie Gregory
- Lacy Clemons Gregory (2nd cousin, 2x removed)
- Barbara Virginia Gregory
- Cecil Lloyd Gregory
- George William Gregory
Lacy married Edith Lucille Peery and had seven children:
- Louise Gregory
- Pauline Elizabeth Gregory
- James William Gregory
- Norman Gregory
- Lacy Clemons Gregory, Jr.
- Jack Lee Gregory
- Thomas Edward Gregory
Lacy married a second time to Rhoda Alien Jewell and they had a daughter
Edith June Gregory. Edith married Homer Ray Patrick
68 Years Ago Today, July 19, 1941.
Edith was my 3rd cousin, 1x removed. They had one son and one daughter who are probably still living, so I will not post their information.
126 Years Ago Today
July 19, 1883
Robert Charles Walker was one of nine children born to Rev. John Randolph Walker and Mary Jane Brown. He and his siblings were my 2nd cousins, 2x removed.
- Alexander Philip Walker
- John Kahle Walker
- Marvin N. Walker
- Harriet Reaves Walker
- Robert Charles Walker
- Louise Laura Alice Walker
- Thomas Frank Fowler Walker
- Maybelle Stuart Walker
- Eleanor Stuart Walker
Saturday, July 18, 2009
On This Day in 1873
July 18, 1873 - March 9, 1916
Samuel W. Gregory, my 1st cousin, 3x removed, was one of ten children born to Thompson Edward Gregory and Martha J. Steele.
- Emma E. Gregory
- George R. Gregory
- Ella L. Gregory
- Perlina Belle Gregory
- Samuel W. Gregory
- Martha J. Gregory
- Mary N. Gregory
- Obed E. Gregory
- Grover Cleveland Gregory
- Edward S. Gregory
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
On This Day in 1812
July 14, 1812
My 3rd great grandaunt, Martha Gregory married William Pickeral in Pittsylvania County, VA. She was one of nine children born to William and Martha (Tucker) Gregory.
- John Keatts Gregory (my 3rd great grandfather)
- Maryan Polly Gregory
- William Gregory, Jr.
- Lowry Gregory
- Elizabeth Gregory
- Richard Dennis Gregory
- Nancy Gregory
- Martha "Patsy" Gregory
- Robert T. Gregory
184 Years Ago Today
July 14, 1825 - October 22, 1885
My 2nd great grandaunt, Permelia Clement Gregory was one of fifteen children born to John Keatts Gregory (above) and Elizabeth Holland Corder. See previous posts for sibilings.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Hope Your Day is Overflowing with Blessings!

180 Years Ago Today
July 12, 1829 - 1880
My 2nd great granduncle, George C. Daugherty, was one of four children born to John L. and Nancy (Ward)Daugherty. He is the grandson of Virginia pioneer David Ward.
- Mary Jane Daugherty (my 2nd great grandmother)
- Isaac W. Daugherty
- George C. Daugherty
- David Allen Daugherty
George married Mary J. Gillespie on December 25, 1856 in Tazewell County, VA and they had one child that I know of, John L. Daugherty who married Flora Wheeler. George died in Dade County, MO.
83 Years Ago Today
July 12, 1926
Fay Gregory Yost, my 3rd cousin, 1x removed, was one of three known children born to William Paris Yost and Jenetta Fay Steele Gregory. (1) Fay Gregory (2) Mary Frances (3) William Paris, Jr. Wm Paris, Sr. and Jenetta were first cousins. Fay married Ermil Osburne on December 27, 1947 in Greenville, SC.